
Posts Tagged ‘Snow’


Well, we actually got snow today!  May not sound like a big thing to some, but for Vegas, it’s pretty rare.  So, we were pretty excited.  It snowed for over 4 hours!  The kids watched out the window yelling, “Snow!”  I let them go out for a couple minutes to see if they could catch some on their tongues, and they enjoyed that.  It didn’t stick on the ground here, but it did in other areas of the valley.  Since I don’t have a battery for my camera, I couldn’t get any pictures.  Plenty were sent into our local news stations, though, and I’ll share a few of them with you.  (Taken from Channel 3 and Channel 8.)

snow     snow-2     snow-3     snow-4     snow-5 (This is what it looked like here, too.)

snow-6     snow-7     snow-8  (This is just down the street from us.)

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